Thursday, April 17, 2008

From the Website

First Ten Post FreeIt’s smells like a pep rally burning out of control, in my front yard. Today’s Ten Post Round-Up might singe your eyebrows:

1: What a relief! The Cheney sunglasses mystery is solved!…

Image In Cheney’s Glasses Actually Bush’s Eternal SoulCAP News

2: Ahem–Attention American Taxpayers: You are supposed to squander your stimulus check NOT pay bills with it! Putting it away for your own benefit is not why we are sending it to you…

Economic Stimulus: Good for individuals or the overall economy, not bothColorado Confidential

3: On the upside, those stimulus checks might come just in time for you to make the massive going-out-of-business sales, sure to be all the rage this summer…

More Economic Pain: Retailing Chains Caught in a Wave of BankruptciesThe Democratic Daily

4: More “good” news…umm…the war in Iraq might come to an end, particularly if those stimulus checks don’t work out like they’re supposed to…

US Financial Collapse Will End Bush/Cheney Iraq Warduckplops

5: Some conservatives like to complain about all those “liberal activist judges”. Would you like to guess who the truly “activist judges” really are (pssst…they are conservative)…

So Much For The False “Activist Judges” Canard…Firedoglake

6: Decisions, decisions: affordable food prices or less oil-dependency. Hmmm…those mud pies look really good…

Backlash Against EthanolFree Market News

7: Silver lining emerges after the military finally releases AP photographer…

At least this poor sot didn’t make it to Gitmo..Its my Right to be Left of the Center

8: Even visitors are being ticketed for not having their vehicles registered in Washington, D.C….

Don’t Live in D.C.Reason Magazine

9: Mystery of what happened to the good ship (snicker) Titanic still lingers after all these years ….

RivetsTalking Points Memo

10: The plot thickens: It appears that the FLDS compound has a financial connection with the Pentagon…


278 días hasta el final de un error…


(I love the smell of hypocrisy in my morning cuppa)